Sol LeWitt (American, 1928 - 2007)

Wavy Brushstrokes Superimposed #3 (AP 3/10), 1995
Etching and hand-drawn photo transfer with aquatint
35.50 x 35.50 in
This work has been sold. Please contact us with inquires about other works by this artist.

Wavy Brushstrokes Superimposed #3 is part of a set of four serial images based on an idea with permutations determined by rules the artist contrived. LeWitt began with a drawing of wavy brushstrokes, which was then photographically transferred to several metal plates and printed as an aquatint. By varying the colors and the order in which the successive plates were printed, the images vary from one to the next while sharing a single basic format. The successive printing of plates allowed for multiple variations on a single image. The sumptuous surface, curvilinear design, and layered colors of these prints show the artist pushing beyond the geometric forms and straight lines for which his work is best known.

1501 Walnut Street (Gallery)
2880 Grand Avenue Suite 105 (Shipping/Mailing Address)
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
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1501 Walnut Street (Gallery)
2880 Grand Avenue Suite 105 (Shipping/Mailing Address)
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
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