Annette Messager (French, b. 1943)

Interdictions (artist book) (/30), 2014
Softcover book
6.50 x 7.87 in
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The artist book Interdictions consists of 68 drawings and is 80 pages in length. It is 6.5 x 7.875 inches (16.5 x 20 cm). Softcover.

Published by Editions Dilecta, Paris. Printed by Atelier Idem, Paris.

An installation by the same name was shown at Marian Goodman Gallery, London in 2017.

Annette Messager's work Interdictions consists of 68 drawings, a reference to the revolutionary events of May 1968 in Paris, that represent various forms of prohibition from around the world. A series of pictograms forbidding various acts, taken from real-life examples found on the Internet or while traveling. These range from everyday restrictions such as bans on taking photographs or smoking, all the way to censorious laws based on cultural-political values such as the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia. Interdictions addresses serious themes, the forces that concern and define people in everyday life, in a poetic and humorous manner.
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