Alex Katz (American, b. 1927)

Ada (/1000), 2017
Hardcover linen
9.25 x 9.50 in
Book exclusively featuring B/W ADA works, in an edition 1,000

Buy a ADA print (any of the 1-10 in the series) and get a book!

Hardcover linen, 34 pages with 10 black and white plates of aquatint etchings drawn by the artist in New York City in January of 2016. A black and white photograph of Alex Katz by Vivien Bittencourt. Summer's End poem by Vincent Katz.
1501 Walnut Street (Gallery)
2880 Grand Avenue Suite 105 (Shipping/Mailing Address)
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
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1501 Walnut Street (Gallery)
2880 Grand Avenue Suite 105 (Shipping/Mailing Address)
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
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